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New Brunswick, New Jersey

County seat of Middlesex County, NJ and home to Rutgers, The State University.

New Brunswick, New Jersey is a vibrant city of 55,181 (2010) residents, a number that triples during the business day with college students, corporate and business employees, hospital and health care workers and visitors. It is a community with richly diverse neighborhoods, a bustling downtown, and an innovative and popular cultural arts center.

Within a few city blocks converge Johnson & Johnson's world headquarters, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, the country's largest medical school, two premiere academic hospitals, three professional theaters, and several four-star restaurants.

As opposed to many urban areas, New Brunswick has made a major comeback as a city through the cooperation of the city government, commerial and academic organizations.

Recent city comments:

  • Roseland Ave/Livingston Ave, Tim (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    It's actually Easton Ave
  • Sears (closed), LiteHacker (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Students park in the back, facing Rutgers, for free. Bus stop close by to get to classes. Car robberies frequent. It's not uncommon to see broken glass from a car.
  • Passion Puddle (Cook College), Odii (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    We All Miss yhu edgar alway in ourheart
  • Frelinghuysen Hall, buckeye1776 wrote 15 years ago:
    Watched the Raritan River rise and fall with the tides leaving small islands midriver occuppied by the birds.
  • The Gateway, Michael (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Featuring: * 600 Parking spaces * Rutgers University Press * Barnes & Noble * Other retail space * Housing units Design here:
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New Brunswick, New Jersey on the map.

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